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Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

The Board represents and is accountable to the shareholders of the company. The Board's responsibilities are active, not passive, and include the responsibility regularly to evaluate the strategic direction of the company, management policies and the effectiveness with which management implements them.

The Board's responsibilities also include overseeing the structure and composition of the company's top management and monitoring legal compliance and the management of risks related to the company's operations. In doing so, the Board may set annual ranges and/or individual limits for capital expenditures, investments and divestitures and financial commitments not to be exceeded without Board approval.

In risk management policies and processes the Board’s role includes risk analysis and assessment in connection with each financial and business review, update and decision-making proposal. Risk oversight is an integral part of all Board deliberations.

It is the responsibility of the members of the Board to act in good faith and with due care so as to exercise their business judgment on an informed basis in what they reasonably and honestly believe to be in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. In discharging that obligation, the directors must inform themselves of all relevant information reasonably available to them. The Board and each Board Committee also have the power to hire independent legal, financial or other advisors as they deem necessary.

The Board has three committees: Audit Committee, Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee and Personnel Committee. These assist the Board in its duties pursuant to their respective Committee Charters. The Board may, also establish ad hoc committees for detailed reviews or consideration of particular topics to be proposed for the approval of the Board.